How To Deal With A Car Accident

An accident can occur at any given moment while driving. A small distraction or a slight mistake can lead to dire consequences. In the United Kingdom, there were about 1732 deaths in 2015 due to road accidents.

You do not have to be in the driver’s seat to get involved in a car crash. If you suffered from an injury as a passenger in an accident, then you have the right to claim compensation from the either the driver of the car that collided with your vehicle; or from the driver of the vehicle in which you were sitting.

Car accidents lead to some very serious injuries, which include the following:

  • Spine damage
  • Breaking of bones
  • Death

Professionals can help guide you on how to deal with an accident. Some of the things that you need to consider when filing for a car passenger accident claim includes:

Who are you filing a claim against?

If you are a passenger looking to file a claim against the vehicle’s driver, the first thing you want to do is get their insurance information.

You would file the claim against the vehicle’ driver though. It is the responsibility of the driver to forward details of the claim to their insurance company, which then deals with legal representatives.

In case the driver does not have insurance, you can file a claim against the Motors insurers Bureau.

The organisations run a scheme for compensation of the people involved in accidents due to negligence of the drivers.

In either case, we suggest that the passengers file the complaint with the police immediately after the accident since it is important to prove in the court that the injuries sustained in the accident occurred because of the fault of the driver.

Items to include in the compensation claims

If you do indeed go ahead and file a claim against the driver then there are certain things that you would need to keep in mind. Some of these include the following:

  • The medical expenditure
  • The cost of repairs that were done to vehicles and the items that were lost due to the accident
  • The loss of income that you had to suffer because of not being able to work due to injury

The negligence of the driver

An accident normally occurs because of the negligence and carelessness of the drivers. However, that does not always necessarily have to be the case. There are certain cases where no one is at fault. In these situations we suggest you file a no fault claim against the driver so that you receive compensation for the medical expenses that you may incur due to the accident.

We at Wembley Solicitors understand how sensitive car accident claims can be. We have the expertise required to deal with such complicated legal matters. If you are involved in an accident, call us at 020-3417-3700 for reliable legal services and representation.

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