How to Get Your Injury’s Worth After an Accident

A majority of us have been injured or hurt at some point due to somebody else’s negligence or carelessness. These personal injuries—physical or psychological—albeit unfortunate, usually pay off, and they pay well.

Statistics show that a majority of personal injury claims that are filed in the UK are for road traffic accidents. Chances are that one would be too stressed to think about compensation when dealing with an injury. However, as complicated as the process may seem, it’s worth keeping in mind that the average payout for even minor back injuries in the UK is almost up to 450 pounds—it would be foolish to give that up.

Here’s how the process works:

Figure Out Who’s Responsible

If you’ve been hurt, chances are that it’s somebody’s fault—and usually, it won’t be yours. So, the first step is to figure this bit out. In an accident, this could be somebody who’s crashed into, you but sometimes it can be more complicated than that. For instance, you could’ve been in an accident due to a fault in your own vehicle, in which case you can claim against the car manufacturer.

Most of the time, you won’t be claiming against a specific person but against their insurers. So, figuring out the insurers is also part of this step.

Assess Your injury and Collect Evidence

The evidence you’d be collecting is of your injury as well as the incident itself. This could be photos and other footage from the scene. From police reports to CCTV footage and witness accounts, everything counts as evidence.

You’d also have to get your injuries assessed because this will determine the compensation amount to a huge extent. From photos of the injury to medical reports and accounts of how the injury has affected other aspects of your life, including your mental health—all of this information will make your personal injury claim stronger.

Calculate Your Compensation

This step is a sort of the conclusion of all your investigation. To calculate the amount you deserve in compensation, the following factors come into play:

  • Your injury and its impact, along with any and all costs associated with treatment;
  • Loss or change of income due to the injury’s negative implications;
  • Logistical costs of adjusting to the injury, i.e., wheelchair, ramps in home, and so on;
  • Care costs (be it a professional hired nurse or a family member giving up their time to care for you);
  • Other material damage caused during the incident to your vehicle, phone, etc.

Negotiate A Settlement

Once compensation has been calculated at your end, you need to negotiate and reach an agreement with the other side. Offers will be made from both sides, and with the help of your legal advisors, you can accept an offer that’s best for you.

If none of the offers work for you, the claim will then be taken to court, where a judge will assess the evidence and decide the amount of the compensation.

While it is possible to file a personal injury claim on your own, it’s highly advised that you hire a solicitor. It can help take the stress off your shoulders in what is possibly a highly stressful situation.

If you’re in a similar situation, our legal experts can help you out, be it car passenger accident claims or an accident at work claim.

Get in touch with us to discuss your case.

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