How to Trade Mark a Business Name in the UK?

So after hours of scribbling and potting of uncountable paper rolls into the basket, you have finally come up with a name for your business that sounds as impressive as your idea, and as cool as you—yourself.

What next?

Before you move on to any other thing, we suggest that you get your business name trademarked.

Impressive and cool names are taken quickly you know!

And no, a trademark just isn’t about getting your company name registered with Companies House


*My whole life has been a lie*

You also have to register it with the Intellectual Property Office.

Because you know what, without it you won’t be getting that much coveted ‘R’ symbol with your business name. And neither you would be able to convincingly defend yourself, if an intellectual property dispute arises in future.

How can you get your business name trademarked in the UK?

It’s easy, just follow these steps…

Step #1: Run A Quick Search To Ensure A Similar Trademarked Brand Does Not Already Exist

You don’t want to be getting into a conflict with another brand that may have already registered the name (you just came up with). Therefore, you should run a check before proceeding with the registration.

You can do so by clicking here.

Step #2: Ensure Your Business Name Is Eligible For Trademark Registration

Some may argue this should have been ‘Step 1’ rather than ‘Step 2’ but surely you would not like to go through all the eligibility criteria, modify your name accordingly (if needed) – only to find later that it has been taken. Would you prefer this approach?

Here is a quick look into what you can and what you can’t register as a trademark.

Step #3: Determine The Trademark Class

With availability and eligibility criteria in check, next you need to determine the trademark class of your business name. Every product or service belongs to a certain industry and every industry has its own trademark class.

For example, if your business deals in clothing line, its name would be registered under trademark class 25. Similarly, if you are starting a restaurant, the name of the restaurant will be registered under class 43.

To determine which trademark class your business name belongs to, click on this link.

Step #4: Fill Out The Application Form

We are talking about this form. Follow the instructions and provide details as asked.

Of course, there is a process fee, the amount of which you’ll be notified by the Intellectual Property Office once you complete and submit your application form.

Keep in mind that once you have successfully submitted your application and paid the fee, the process will take 4 months to complete [provided there are no objections raised]. The registered status of your business name will last for 10 years.

Need any legal help with regards to trademarking your business name?

Feel free to reach out.

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