Industrial Deafness: Causes and Symptoms

When your ears are exposed to an excessively noisy environment for extended periods, there’s a high risk of permanent hearing damage. According to the workplace safety laws in the UK, your employer is required to ensure safe working conditions and inform you of any health-related risks on site. However, when they fail to do so and make you work in a noisy environment for a long time, they can be held responsible for your industrial deafne

Under the law, you can file an injury at workplace claim and get fair compensation for your loss. Here’s all you need to know about the ailment.


Causes of industrial deafness

While filing for an industrial deafness claim, keep in mind that the court can only decide in your favour if you are aware of what caused the industrial deafness. Failure to satisfy the judge might cost you your compensation. Some common reasons for industrial hearing loss include:

  • Working without ear protection in excessively noisy work environments
  • Explosion at the workplace
  • Injury at the workplace

Symptoms of industrial deafness

If you work at a noisy workplace and have any of the following problems, the chances are that you have some intensity of industrial deafness:

  • Lack of hearing from one ear
  • Difficulty in listening from both ears
  • Difficulty in listening to phone conversations
  • Always hearing ringing, buzzing, droning, ticking or hissing sounds.
  • Trouble listening to the TV and radio and having to turn up their volume


Types of industrial deafness

Hearing loss caused by extensive exposure to noisy environments doesn’t just entail complete deafness. You can file for compensation if you hear buzzing and ringing sounds or are deaf in one ear. Some common types of hearing loss include:

Temporary hearing loss

If you have this type of hearing difficulty, you may have trouble listening to sounds for only a couple of hours after you’re out of the noisy workplace. After taking adequate rest, your hearing may be restored, and you’d stop hearing all the hissing, ringing and buzzing sounds.

Permanent deafness

While talking about permanent deafness, it’s crucial to understand that it may take a couple of years for your ears to be wholly impacted by working in excessively loud work environments. In some cases, you might have to wear hearing aids to listen appropriately. However, it’s always helpful to aware of your symptoms and act timely to avoid losing your hearing ability.

Acoustic trauma

This type of hearing loss is caused by sudden loud noises that may arise from workplace explosions and gunshots. In severe cases, it may lead to instant permanent deafness.


If you hear a constant buzzing, ringing, whistling or droning sound, the chances are that you’re suffering from tinnitus. This type of hearing loss can harm your ability to concentrate at work and sleep or rest properly.

File for your industrial deafness claim today

If your working conditions have harmed your hearing, consult with our qualified solicitors to file for an injury at workplace claim. At Wembley Solicitors, we pride on having a high success rate and exceptional standards of legal services in UK immigration, child custody, divorce, financial settlement, commercial lease and car accident cases.

Connect with us at 020-3417-3700 to learn more.

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