Involved in a Hit and Run Accident? Here’s What to Do

Accidents happen all the time, on all roads, and all over the world. Moreover, they’re damaging and debilitating for both the victim and the perpetrator.

If you were involved in a hit and run accident, the chances are that you didn’t do it deliberately. But whether you’re in the UK or travelling, the first course of action is to STOP. It’s imperative that you do. And here’s why.

Not Stopping after Hitting Another Car/Pedestrian

In 2017, 2,762 people didn’t stop after a car accident in England and Wales. So this matter cannot be taken lightly.

Failing to stop after an accident is a criminal offence in the UK. It could land you in some serious trouble—both financially and legally. You’re looking at fines as high as £5,000. And there’s more: 10 points on your driver’s licence, for starters.

First Order of Business

Let’s say you do, unfortunately, get involved in an accident—a tragic tail-end, maybe. Maybe your brakes malfunctioned, maybe you had a health complication. Regardless, don’t panic.

Stop. Get out of your car. Check for damages. See if someone is injured. Call an ambulance or a towing service if required. You need to act like a responsible citizen at this point.

Keep Calm

You have to talk to the owner of the car you hit. Even if the damage is minor, you’re expected to do this. All relevant details must then be relayed to the police. All of this needs to be done within 24 hours to save yourself from legal complications later on.

If someone’s asking for your registration details—such as a law enforcement officer—you’re obligated to provide these details. The Road Traffic Act 1988 requires you to do this.

An individual whose property got damaged due to the accident could also require these details, and you’ll be obligated to provide them.

What if You Didn’t

If you are reading this blog in a panicked situation because you were involved in an accident and didn’t stop, don’t panic.

We understand that the situation is tricky and not everyone has the wits about them to know that they should be stopping.

Get in touch with us at Wembley Solicitors immediately and get legal counsel for your hit and run accident claim right now.


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