Major Causes Of Road Accidents In The UK

It is said that roads in the UK are the safest in the world. With greater awareness of the general public, strict traffic rules and regulations, and improved safety features in vehicles, undeniably UK’s roads are safe. But accidents still occur over them.

There were 1,780 road deaths in the UK in the year ending March 2016!

This means an average of five people die every day in accidents on the roads of UK, and this percentage is increasing every year.

Since stats make it evident now that road accidents are a frequent occurrence in the UK, let us take a look at what causes these accidents.

Driver fatigue

Of course, driving when you are sleepy is risky and dangerous. You are putting at risk your life and of those who are travelling with you. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms such as drooping eyelids, constant yawning, or a drifting vehicle, STOP IMMEDIATELY! Make it your habit to share the driving if you are travelling for long routes.

Fact: Most sleep-related accidents in the UK occur between 11 PM and 8 AM.

Drunk driving

Between 1979 and 2014, every year an average of 940 people lost their lives due to drink and drive related accidents.

Despite numerous advertising campaigns warning us of the dangers of drink driving, it still is one of the greatest causes of road accidents in the UK.

Every year, near about 85,000 people are convicted for drink driving related accidents and offences, in England and Wales.

However, if a driver is caught driving under the influence, they are charged a heavy fine and a criminal record is filed against them. So, the safest thing is, not to risk it.

Failing to judge the path and speed of the other person

20% of all road accidents in the UK occur due to this mistake.

It is dangerous to make assumptions about the other driver’s next move on the road. Anticipation is great but only when it is calculated and informed.


Driving carelessly is another major cause of road accidents in the UK. Drivers when in a rush are more likely to have an accident. Remember, driving fast to reach your destination on time isn’t the solution, leaving early from home is.


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