Major Issues for Immigrants in London

Whether it was the “Go Home” billboards of 2013 or the more recent wave of racist hate crimes, the UK has its share of immigration issues. London and its migrant population often find themselves in the news for the wrong reasons, and it isn’t always a group of hooligans that are being racist.

While incidents like these get picked up by the media and are reported widely, it’s other, less-reported issues that are far more prevalent—and arguably more dangerous. Issues like problems with citizenship and naturalization after nine years of being in the UK because the laws just changed.  


Of the 249,279 visas granted to migrants in 2019, 185,465 were work-related. Naturally, one of the biggest reasons anyone would want to come to the UK—and to London specifically—is to work. There are greater, better opportunities, and an economy that’s far better than in most other countries.

Recognized credentials and equivalence degrees, among other things, can pose a hurdle in the way of finding employment, however.


One of the first questions an immigrant will ask when moving to London is this: where will I live? This question becomes even harder to answer if you have no relatives in the city whose houses you can crash in.

Finding the right place and settling matters with landlords is only the tip of the iceberg. Other things such as not knowing the housing market and avoiding fraud are also common issues that are faced by migrants.


Part of the culture shock many migrants go through is the difference in the services that are available in the UK. But it’s not limited to that; it’s also the access to these services that matters equally. What is and what isn’t available to you as an immigrant?

Major issues in this regard pertain to healthcare and social services, both of which play a huge role in cementing your welfare coverage.

Culture Shock

One of the less “legal” complications of migrating to London is the culture shock. The language won’t be too great of a problem for many people—English is the lingua franca all over the world, after all—but there are other things that will: the mannerisms of the people, how to great people, the food, gender diversity, religious inclusiveness, open discussions on sexuality, and so on.

Most immigrants have what we call the “immigrant mentality,” and this can cause problems. The results could include social isolation and more, which is why we, at Wembley Solicitors, advise clients to research London and the UK well before planning to migrate.

About Us

We’re a team of legal experts and solicitors who help immigrants and immigration-hopefuls with legal complications often faced during immigration. If you’re looking for immigration lawyers in London or in the UK, you know who to approach.

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