Make Your Immigration Appeal Case Stronger with These Tips

The UK is one of the most sought-after countries in the world for immigrants looking to make a move. The economic opportunities, social security, and quality of life make the UK a top choice for people looking to migrate to another country. However, despite enjoying the popularity, the UK also has one of the most stringent visas and immigration policies. This makes it hard for many to settle in the UK and successfully obtain a visa or immigration status.

If you have also faced rejection from the UK Home Office on your visa or immigration application, read this blog to know your options. Albeit complex and overwhelming, the post-refusal procedure known as immigration appeal has a chance of success and is worth trying.

Types of Appeal

Here are a few ways you can challenge the Home Office’s decision of refusal on your visa or immigration application.

Immigration Appeal

The first way to pursue your refusal is by making an immigration appeal with the help of an immigration solicitor. The appeal can be made in writing, and the judge will provide a written decision. Or, for a fee of £140, you can opt for an oral hearing where your attorney can present your case to the judge.

Administrative Review

Another way to go forward is to apply for an administrative review. This option can only be considered when you’re confident that the Home Office made some error in deciding on your case and missed out on an important aspect.

Judicial Review

A judicial review is the last resort and one that your attorney will only recommend in case nothing is left to do. A judicial review is a complex procedure where you’ll challenge the Home Office’s decision in the court, and a judge will determine the legitimacy of your claim.


Tips for Successful Appeal

No matter which way you go forward, here are some things to increase your chances of winning.


The UK laws allow applicants to make immigration appeals within 28 days if the application was made outside of the UK. Within the UK, you’re bound to appeal in 14 days. Keeping up with timelines is essential for success.


Understanding the legalities, following the attorney’s advice, and complying with the immigration policies will warrant the success of your appeal.


In the case of Administrative Review, you cannot submit any documents other than those submitted with the initial application. However, you need to provide the judge with ample documents proving your claim and enthusiasm to obtain the visa or immigration with other appeals. Your immigration attorney will be able to guide you in this regard considering the special aspects of your case.

Have a Strong Legal Representation

Immigration appeal is often a complex and time-consuming procedure. Therefore, hiring immigration lawyers at Wembley Solicitors is your best chance at winning the immigration appeal. Get in touch with us to appoint the best lawyers in London for all legal issues of immigration.

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