Making a Compensation Claim for Injuries Suffered in a Bus Accident

Undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of transport in the UK, buses are also quite safe for travel. All thanks to highly trained drivers who avoid reckless driving, and highly responsible bus companies that everyday ensure safety regulations are in place before a bus leaves its station to start the day’s business.

However, unpleasant weather, damaged roads and rash driving on part of other drivers, combined with standing bus passengers and overcrowded buses create conditions that may contribute to accidents.

In any such event, a bus passenger getting injured is entitled to claim for compensation for the injuries suffered.

Who to claim against?

It depends who is at fault.

  • If your bus driver is at fault – for instance, a bus driver may have been driving too fast – then you’ll file the claim against the bus company.
  • If another driver is at fault, then you’ll file the claim against the other vehicle’s driver.
  • If the accident happened because of poorly maintained roads, then it’s the local authorities against whom you’ll be filing the claim.

Since, you’re likely to be accompanied by other passengers on your bus journey, it would be easier for you to establish who was at fault for the accident, and also to possibly present them as your witness in case, where the bus or insurance company asks you to prove the validity of your claim.

It’s vital that you note down the contact details of other bus passengers willing to act as your witness if you’re involved in a bus accident. You’ll need their statements when you file a claim against the guilty.

This brings us to what documents you’ll be needing when filing for a bus passenger accident claim, a topic which we’ll discuss next…

What documents you’ll need when filing a claim?

To successfully file a claim, you’ll need to submit:

  • the bus ticket – so make sure you don’t lose it
  • any documentary evidence that you may have with you. This could be in the form of photographs, recorded video footage, a witness’s statement etc.
  • the medical bills

And yes, keep one very important thing in mind: you need to file a claim within the 3-year period of the date of accident.

Claims filed after that are not considered valid.

Are you involved in a bus accident and looking for legal advice?

Feel free to reach out, our personal injury solicitors will be happy to serve you. Wembley Solicitors provide advice to clients on matters related to bus passenger accident claims and also help them in the claim filing process. You don’t have to worry about anything, we’ve got you covered on all fronts.

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