Mistakes That Can Jeopardise Your Divorce

You fell in love, got married and promised to spend the rest of your life together. But now both of you want to be separated and have no idea what life is going to be like from here on forth.

Divorce can be quite stressful; however, you must realize that you aren’t the only one. More than 100,000 couples get divorced each year in the UK. You must accept it as a part of life and move on.

However, don’t make common mistakes that could put at a big disadvantage during the proceedings:

Filing too Soon

One of the biggest mistakes individuals make is that they file for divorce too soon, thinking that the one filing always has an edge over the other.

This isn’t true. In fact, the one who files in haste always remains at a disadvantage. The best thing you can do is consult your attorney and lay everything on the table before proceeding.

Hiding Financial Assets

Hiding information related to financial assets is illegal and will definitely go against you in the courtroom. The best approach is to reveal everything about your financial situation to the court, and then go about formulating a strategy on how to protect your financial assets.

If you are found hiding information, you could be penalized and your spouse could win all your assets.

Not Contacting Ex’s Attorney

Avoiding the ex’s attorney will make you look bad in court. No matter how heated things are between you and your ex, you must remain in touch with your ex’s attorney, as this is a professional way to proceed.

If you reach directly to the judge, then you could come across as intolerant which will go against you in court.


Losing Your Composure

Divorce will take its emotional toll, but ensure that you don’t have an emotional outburst in the courtroom.  You will need to remain calm, and have the courage to hear out the other party and not speak until it is your turn.

Threatening your ex in the courtroom is another big mistake that individuals make. In fact, threats such as “you will never see your kids again” and “I will ruin you” are some statements that you must never make throughout the proceeds. Trust your attorney to bring about the best possible outcome.

Another mistake that individuals make is vent out their anger on social media. This is again something that could be used against you in court, so try and keep a low profile on social media accounts, especially related to family matters.

Not Hiring a Solicitor

Divorce is a complex and expensive procedure. If you don’t hire a solicitor, you could lose lot of money, just because you have no idea how to go about the whole procedure.

Your ex will probably have a solicitor, so it is important you have a legal professional on your side too to safeguard your interests.

If you reside in Wembley, then get in touch with us. We provide the best solicitation services for individuals who are seeking divorce to safeguard their assets and interests.

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