Need A Pre-Nuptial Agreement? Speak To A Solicitor First!

Also known as prenup, a pre-nuptial agreement is a written contract made and signed by two individuals prior to getting married. The primary purpose of a prenup agreement is to ensure the fair and accurate distribution of a couple’s individual and collective assets and finances if their marriage breaks down.

It is true that most couples entering a marriage will rarely discuss prenups. However, considering the rapidly increasing divorce rate in the country, having a prenup agreement is a smart way to protect each party’s financial interests in the future.

Without a solid prenup plan, resolving financial issues—from the distribution of assets and property to child maintenance—could get exceedingly challenging and lead to conflicts between a couple.

The Basics

Setting the terms and conditions of a pre-nuptial agreement can be quite tricky.

You want to make sure that the final agreement is fair, without any clauses that could potentially hurt the sentiments of your partner.

The terms of prenuptial agreements can vary among couples. Typically, the document includes the following details:

  • The assets, finances and property both parties own individually and collectively
  • Individual and collective debt owned by both parties
  • Wills and trusts


In brief, a prenup clarifies what each individual’s financial rights and responsibilities are during and after marriage.

How to Create A Pre-Nuptial Agreement

Broadly speaking, a pre-nup’s terms should be clear, understandable, and legally sound. If you are planning to write it yourself, it is not an easy task. Hiring a solicitor can save you a significant amount of time and stress, while securing your interests.

Due to the vast knowledge and experience solicitors possess, they can ensure that the agreement is completed as smoothly as possible. Solicitors are also familiar with the laws pertaining to the creation and enforcement of pre-nuptial agreements.

Consequently, a solicitor can provide you with comprehensive support and help you need to create a solid pre-nuptial agreement.

If you are searching for an expert solicitor near you, contact Wembley Solicitors. Our solicitors specialize in a variety of family law cases, which includes but is not limited to legal separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreement, post-nuptial agreement, and more.

An effective pre-nuptial agreement is the key to a lasting marriage. Our divorce solicitors have extensive expertise and experience in helping couples agree on all the possibilities of their financial decisions. They can provide effective legal advice to help you create a pre-nuptial agreement that takes into account a bevy of issues that might affect your marriage and financial future.

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