New Domestic Abuse Bill Includes Non-Physical and Economic Abuse

The definition of “domestic abuse” has officially expanded to include non-physical and emotional abuse in the UK legal system. The new Domestic Abuse Bill aims to cover some of the loopholes found in older domestic abuse bills which allowed abusers to get away with emotional and economic abuse.

Medical experts have long since argued that abuse comes in many forms. By restricting the law to physical abuse, the courts were being unjust to victims, and continually putting them in danger. The bill was revised to protect and encourage victims to speak up without fearing the abuser.

In addition to expanding the definition of domestic abuse, the law also permits abusers from cross-examining victims in family courts.

Economic Abuse

The concept of economic abuse isn’t widely spoken of but is very prominent in households across the UK. Economic abuse refers to restricting access to any resources that will boost an individual’s economic status. Everything from preventing their partners from pursuing their education or career to restricting access to food and transport is considered a form of economic abuse.

By incorporating economic abuse in the definition of domestic abuse, the revised bill gives victims the confidence to fight their abusers in court.

What Else Does the New Domestic Abuse Bill Include?

  • The new domestic abuse bill demands that abusers attend rehabilitation programmesthat help improve their behaviour.
  • When victims are providing evidence in criminal trials, they will be given special protections immediately.
  • A “domestic abuse commissioner” will be assigned to improve the response and support given to victims of domestic abuse.


The law also provides protection to victims who are dealing with financial abuse. Financial abuse occurs which happens when the abuser deliberately takes away the victim’s access to finances to make them completely dependent.

The revised definition of domestic abuse officially recognises domestic crimes go beyond physical assault. Victims who’ve had to endure psychological trauma from coercive and manipulative behaviour by their partners will find protection in the law against their abusers.

If you or a loved one is suffering from domestic abuse, find a reliable family lawyer that help them get out of an abusive relationship.

Wembley Solicitors has a team of passionate family lawyers that specialise in divorce and child custody in London.  We specialize in financial settlements during divorce and we can serve as family law solicitors. With our legal expertise, you get can a legal separation or a divorce and finally turn over a new leaf. Contact us at our offices in Wembley today for more information.

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