No, the UK Courts Don’t Have a Mother-Bias in Child Residence Cases!

No, the UK Courts Don’t Have a Mother-Bias in Child Residence Cases!

It’s quite a common perception in our society that UK courts usually favour the mother in child residence proceedings.

Here, at Wembley Solicitors, we’ve attended many cases where fathers are initially reluctant pursuing their application for child custody. They believe that the court would ultimately run the ruling in the favour of the child’s mother, and so they could be wasting their money, time and sanity in chasing the lost cause.

However, in reality, that’s not the case at all.

UK Family Courts Always Ensure the Best Interest of the Child

UK family courts imply a very simple standard (although it’s execution is quite complex) when deciding on child residence: What is best for the child?

This question may seem pretty straightforward, but it can be very difficult to answer.

It entails a holistic assessment of many factors, such as:

  • Which of the two parents will be better able to financially accommodate the child
  • Where the child will be more emotionally stable
  • Who can take better care of the child
  • Who is more committed to ensuring a brighter future of the child
  • Who the child is more attached to

Etc., etc.

While society prejudices may force anyone to assume the apparent for most of the factors listed above, UK family courts acknowledge the evolution in the modern workplaces and how parenting roles have changed with time.

They do not assume the apparent.

They analyse facts and make a decision free of social prejudices and the obvious.

The implied standard by the UK family courts is not that of a mother against father (or father against mother for that matter), but instead, what’s in the best interest of the child.

So no, the UK courts don’t have a mother-bias in child residence cases.

Are you a parent going through a divorce, and don’t want to lose your child and believe you’ve a legitimate case for their residence?

Get in touch with us today; our expert UK family solicitors will be happy to help you.

We’ve the experience of handling many child residence cases and we’ll try our best to represent your case successfully.

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