Personal Injury Claim For When A Drunk Pedestrian Runs In Front Of Your Car

A pedestrian who violates traffic rules in any way is called a jaywalker. This can either be a drunk pedestrian or someone who crosses the road farther away from the designated crossing zone.

In every driving course ever, drivers are always taught that the pedestrians have the right of way—that they need to go first before you can run your car in front of them. However, drivers also need to be aware of their rights to claim when a jaywalker runs out in front of their car and there’s only so little that the driver can do to protect them.

When we think of road accidents, we usually assume that the motorist will be at fault. That’s not always the case and the liability needs to be split up between both the parties.

How Does The Law Determine Fault?

Witnesses are an integral part of jaywalking accidents. If you were a witness to any such accident and saw a pedestrian running into a car—instead of the other way around—you’ll need to maintain the fact in every statement that you’ll give. Your testimony can decide who was at fault in a pedestrian vs. car accident.

A witness’ testimony will help the law decide and look at the facts of the incident instead of putting the blame on the driver entirely as an instinct.

What Happens When A Pedestrian Is At Fault?

Any cautious pedestrian will avoid putting themselves in a dangerous situation—much less directly walking in front of a moving vehicle. However, if the behaviour of the pedestrian made it impossible for the driver to drive safely, the jury will hold the pedestrian guilty of causing the accident.

In this case, the pedestrian will have to pay up whatever the claim the driver will file for. It can range from paying for medical expenses to getting their car fixed.

What About Shared Fault?

These incidents aren’t uncommon. When both the parties are at fault, the liability of the accident is split between the two. As a result, pedestrian compensation is split after determining who was more in the wrong.

After determining who was at fault, both the parties have a right to claim for personal injury compensation through a personal injury claim solicitor.

If you’re looking for one in Wembley, get in touch with our solicitors at Wembley Solicitors. We provide legal assistance to people claiming for personal injury compensation. Visit our website to learn more!

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