Potential Visa and Immigration Problems for EU Citizens Post-Brexit

With the MPs and Theresa May head-locked over the withdrawal deal, a no-deal Brexit remains a real possibility. From stricter border controls to price hikes and less freedom of movement, a no-Brexit route will turn the lives of many EU residents in the UK upside down.

If you’re an EU resident working, studying or living in the UK, it’s only natural to be concerned about how this political decision affects you. Currently, the fate of 3 million EU residents in the UK hangs in the balance!

Wondering what it means for you if the UK barrels towards the no-deal Brexit route? Let’s break it down.

What Is The No-Deal Brexit?

So you’ve been hearing the word no-deal Brexit being thrown around casually in conversations. But what does it actually mean? If the Parliament’s unable to work out a deal soon, along with the UK not taking part in the European elections on May 23rd, a no-deal Brexit remains the likely outcome. When that happens, you’ll find the EU rules and regulations no longer applying to the UK. From the customs to trade and citizens’ rights, the UK government will be free to draft its own laws and regulations.

What Happens When A No-Deal Brexit Becomes A Reality?

If the EU and the UK are unable to reach a consensus on the withdrawal agreement, it could lead to a number of things happening. Such as:

  • There will be no 21-month transition period
  • Border checking will be re-introduced
  • Trade will be impacted significantly
  • Traveling and working will become governed by new sets of regulations
  • Citizenship rights will be affected severely

What Are The Effects of a No-Deal Brexit on EU Residents in the UK?

Whether you’ve been working in the UK for years or have built a life there, a no-deal Brexit will have major ramifications on your life. While currently, you enjoy the same citizenship rights as the British, there are no guarantees when the UK takes its leave without a withdrawal agreement. What’s worse is that the UK government’s being accused of using EU residents as the bargaining chip during this whole ordeal. If that’s true, your rights in the UK are currently at stake.

  • Traveling rights: If you’re from an EU country with which the UK has no separate travel agreements, you’ll find your freedom of movement greatly reduced. From traveling for work or tourism, you’ll no longer be able to travel without a visa.
  • Citizenship rights:  If you’ve made the UK your home for years now, a no-deal Brexit would mean you’re no longer covered by the same citizenship rights as before. So you’ll either have to apply for permanent residence or go back to your country of origin. Keep in mind that applying for immigration doesn’t guarantee approval, even if you’ve been living in the UK for 10 years.

If you’re unsure about your future as an EU resident in the UK and want to hire immigration solicitors in London, get in touch with Wembley Solicitors.  We’re a law firm in the UK, offering a wide range of legal advice and services to clients regarding the UK immigration law, family law, commercial lease and personal injury claims.

To schedule a consultation with our immigration lawyers, call us at 020-3417-3700.

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