Protecting Cyclists In The UK: What Does The Law State?

Cycling is as much a staple part of our culture as is tea. From off-the-road adventures to primary from of transport, we take it very seriously!

The best part is that the country’s laws protect cyclists. So, you can opt for a bicycle to beat traffic and improve fitness, without worrying about safety.

But accidents do occur and that’s when the law comes in. It’s usually not a cyclist’s fault if an accident happens with another vehicle involved. Rash drivers and unexpected obstacles may both result in serious personal injuries.

File a personal injury claim

If you’ve had a cycling accident as a result of which you’ve suffered injuries, you’re eligible to file the claim. It is important that you can show evidence that the injuries were sustained because of the negligence by another person.

In cycling accidents, negligence involves two different elements:

Duty of care towards others: It requires drivers to take reasonable care in order to avoid causing harm to other drivers and passengers on the road. It also includes vehicles and other properties.

Standard of care: It deals with minimum care level and skill needed to efficiently fulfil the duty. The skill and care of ordinary driver level is a must for all drivers, that is, there are no exceptions for inexperienced individuals.

Will there be defence for those who caused the accidents?

If an individual has caused the accident, they only have contributory negligence defence. It doesn’t oust their liability but attributes proportional fault, if present.

For instance, if the injured cyclist was checking their mobile phone when the accident occurred, it will be taken into account. As a result, the court will determine ‘just and equitable’ compensation.

Take for example, a case where courts determine that 70% of the fault was of the cyclist. They will only receive 30% in compensation as a result.

Failure to wear a helmet is one of the top arguments of contributory negligence. Make sure you’re always wearing one!

When should you file the claim?

Generally, these claims have a three-year limit, starting right from the date of the accident. Time is more important in bicycle accidents, as you’d likely have to rely on bystander witnesses and fresh evidence to support your claim.

If you or a loved has suffered a cycling accident and injuries, as a result of it, obtain legal counsel right away. With professional guidance, you can file the claim with proper documentation.

Our experienced solicitors in London assist you in filing comprehensive bicycle accident compensation claims. Get in touch with our personal injury solicitors to seek legal advice for accident claims and compensations. Here’s what the claim procedure entails.

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