Put an End to Domestic Abuse—Know Your Rights

According to the Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW) approximately 1.6 million women aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic violence in the UK in 2019. Domestic abuse is a crime so deeply hidden in households that it often goes unreported and even unrealized by the victims themselves. Domestic violence solicitors can offer the best advice if you’re stuck in a toxic cycle of domestic abuse. Have a look at what they have to say.

What Constitutes as Domestic Abuse?

According to the UK Women’s Aid website, domestic abuse is not limited but can include a number of things including coercive control, psychological or emotional abuse, physical or sexual abuse, economic control, harassment, stalking or even cyber bullying. It is often gender-based violence, mainly directed towards women.

Forced marriage, female genital mutilation, marital rape and honor killings are all extreme forms of domestic violence that are unfortunately not uncommon.

What are the Laws Protecting Women from Domestic Abuse?

Domestic violence is a criminal offence in the UK and the country has a number of laws in place to protect victims. The Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 outlines laws for life threats, bodily harm, assault, etc. The Criminal Damage Act, 1971 details legislation about damage to property, while the Protection from Harassment Act, 1997 includes stalking and harassment as forms of domestic abuse as well.

The more recent Sexual Offences Act of 2003 outlines sexual assault, rape and various other sexual crimes by family members as part of domestic abuse as well. Different types of domestic abuse are punishable by the law depending on the intensity of the crime.

How to Escape from the Cycle?

Domestic abuse is an endless, toxic cycle that leaves the victim scarred both emotionally and physically. If you’re stuck in this cycle and are trying to escape from it, then ask for help. Contact victim support help lines or talk to your local authorities.

But if you have decided to take the legal route to ensure your safety, then consulting a domestic violence solicitor would be the best option for you. They can guide you on what to do next and help protect your rights.

Professional legal experts at Wembley Solicitors are well-versed in family disputes, partnership disputes, children law, family law and divorce disputes in the UK. Call us now at 020 3417 3700 to book a consultation.

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