Resolving Commercial Disputes – The Checklist

Disputes are an unavoidable aspect of doing business. Partnership disputes in a commercial business may inevitably grow and become largescale problems later on.

This checklist provides advice on how to handle commercial disputes, regardless of the size of your company, by identifying and using the best technique to efficiently address conflicts between companies.

Examine The Situation

Examine the agreement terms and check whether the terms were clear enough to avoid the dispute. And figure out how the other party has violated the agreement.

Also, check the loss you’ve incurred due to the disagreement and gather all the documents and evidence that can support your position.

Consult With Your Legal Counsel

As soon as you find out about the dispute, consult with your lawyer immediately. They can give a realistic, clear idea about the measures that can be taken and let you know if you actually have a case to fight.

Try to Reach an Agreement

Before taking legal action, it is best to resolve the issue between you and your partner. Keep a record of any negotiation and discussion.

Collect Evidence And Documents

Make sure you have all the important info and documentation on hand in case you need to go to court. This will aid your counsel and will emphasise the strength of your case, demonstrating what resolution is fair and maybe influencing the approach you pick to resolve the disagreement.

Examine Your Alternatives And Think About The Consequences

Here are the three dispute resolution options:

Litigation – When a disagreement is resolved in court.

Arbitration – It permits disputing parties to have their disputes settled by a private tribunal of their choice instead of the courts. Most agreements have standard terms that provide for arbitration in the event of a disagreement

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – A impartial third party offers a framework for negotiations, facilitating the parties to examine the case, explain the concerns, discover grounds of consensus, and progressively encourage a solution.

Evaluate Your Case’s Strength

Your legal advisor will tell you whether your case is strong enough to win in the court or not. Determine whether it is beneficial to pursue the suggested legal action based on the costs and timeframes.

Be Prepared for Any Offer

Determine how much further you are willing to go for a timely settlement. Be willing to compromise or accept any offer that may end the dispute peacefully and prevent any disturbances and delays in the court.

Get Legal Advice

Wembley Solicitors can help you with commercial dispute resolution. We have expert legal advisors that can determine the strength of your case and help you set the groundwork for settlement.

Whether there is property-related insolvency, dispute related to a commercial lease, loan agreement dispute, partnership disputes, or contract disputes, we can help!

You can call us at 020 3417 3700to discuss your case or email us at

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