Riding A Two Wheeler

What Every Rider Should Keep In Mind

Pre-ride Safety Checklist

Riding a motorcycle is a lot more dangerous than driving a car. In order to ensure safety, always check the following before you take to the roads:

Tire Pressure


Fuel Tank


Motorcyclists are twice as likely to be involved in accidents than car drivers.

The Rules Of Bike Riding

BREAKS Always keep your hands on the both brakes while riding, and in case of emergency, press them simultaneously to avoid skidding.

SPEED Always follow the speed limits of the jurisdiction where you are riding, and make sure to watch out for road signs indicating any problems ahead.

LIMIT Motorcycles, especially those not designed for high speed riding, have limits. Don’t put unnecessary stress on it by going over the threshold.

DISTANCE When riding behind another car or motorcycle, always make sure to keep sufficient distance between yourself and them.

INDICATE Always signal before making a turn. Never cut lanes without indicating

PILLION Ensure that your bike can bear the additional weight before your ride.

Precautions For Riders

Some tips for riders to follow to ensure road safety are:

Avoid alcohol before commute as it dulls reaction time S puts you at risk.

Leave your phone in your pocket so you can keep your eyes on the road.

Make sure to watch others around our to as well so as to avoid mistakes.

In case of bike related accidents and injuries, contact


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