Signs Your Wife is about to Divorce You

Marriage rates in England and Wales have been increasing over the past few years, and even though on paper, divorce rates are decreasing, the Ministry of Justice opines it’s due to administrative backlog—and that divorce petitions have in fact increased.

This means that you too could be facing possible divorce in your near future—but could you predict it before it happens?  

Unprovoked Quarrels

If you find yourself caught up in constant frays with your wife that are unprovoked at best, this might be her way of releasing her pent-up frustration. If she does want a divorce and doesn’t want to have a healthy, reasonable discussion about it, this is her way of saying she’s done. Once you get tired of her complains and cries you might even want a divorce yourself. That often is the intended outcome.

However, be sure not to misdiagnose a disgruntled wife who has good reason to be off with you. Find out if something is troubling her or if her reaction is truly unprovoked.

Behavioural Changes

If your wife’s behaviour towards you changes inexplicably, you might want to look deeper into it. Be sure to rule out other valid reasons for behavioural change: have you recently said anything bad to her? Are you not giving enough time at home? Are you not talking enough?

If the behavioural change is completely uncalled-for, you might have an impending divorce on your hands.

No More Future Talks

When one is invested fully in a relationship, regardless of gender, they’ll always be thinking about the future. This is because they visualize a future with you, and they’re constantly working towards having one. If you observe that they have stopped wishing for a future with you, if they are no longer talking about buying a house or raising kids or saving money for the children’s college—it’s a red flag.

Loss of Affection

If the dwindling emotional electricity between you two has also diffused into your physical life, you have the biggest red flag of all. Fights, quarrels, discontentment, disinterestedness are all a part of life, and you’re bound to experience them if you’re married. The intimacy, however, doesn’t stay stagnant for too long—in healthy marriages at any rate. If you find that your wife is no more interested in intimacy, this is the biggest red flag of all.

Of course, like we’ve been saying, it’s important to rule out all other possible reasons before getting to a self-diagnosed conclusion. Find out if she has health issues or if something is stressing her—those too could be culprits.

What to Do if All the Signs are Present?

If you have observed these signs, we know how truly shocking they can be. If you have sustained your marriage for many years, these signs will be all the more painful. But the need of the hour is not mourning.

You must get over your initial shock and prepare for the legal quandary to come—especially if you have children or property. Talk to a divorce solicitor in Wembley today. You can reach us at Wembley Solicitors online or by giving us a call at 078 8290 0289.

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