Simple Tips for Making Joint Child Custody Work

Struggling to work out a custody arrangement with your spouse? You are not alone. One of the most difficult parts of a divorce is figuring out a suitable parenting arrangement for children.

The good news is that joint custody can work well for parents and children. There is no denying that it is not easy. However, you can make it work effectively with these simple tips:

Respect Your Ex

First off, do not badmouth your ex in front of your children. This will have a detrimental impact on their psychological well-being. At some point, your kids will react to what you say.

Instead, focus on their strengths. You want to set an example. If you cannot speak well then do not say anything at all.

Set A Realistic Schedule

When it comes to setting a visitation schedule, be realistic. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment.

Speak to your ex about their schedule. Also take into account your schedule to come up with a timetable that works for everyone.

Consider Children’s Interests and Needs

When setting a custody arrangement, it’s important to consider your children’s ages, needs and interests. After all, the arrangement is about what is best for them.

Both parents must actively participate in the lives of their children. They should spend quality time with their kids. Spending more time leads to a stronger bond between parents and children.


Communication is essential for a joint custody arrangement to work. Maintain an open and direct communication with your ex.

Things change after divorce. You may not feel like speaking to your ex. However, talk to them in civil manner for the sake of your children.

Assess The Arrangement

As circumstances change, you may want to change the custody arrangement. Make sure your ex is on board before altering it.

If you are seeking legal assistance for child custody, your choice of solicitor will make or break your case. At Wembley Solicitors, we have vast experience and expertise in handling a range of disputes and concerns relating to family law and child custody.

Our certified, qualified solicitors offer comprehensive, fair and honest legal advice. They can answer all your questions in great detail to meet your expectations.

Get in touch now to book consultation for matters relating to divorce, including child custody, division of assets and more.

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