Special and General Damages in Personal Injury Case

The personal injury claim you file after an accident and the compensation you receive as a result are known as damages.

After an unfortunate accident, filing a claim is one of the ways you can get the accused to make up for their negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions. You deserve to be compensated for the distress, pain and suffering you had to go through because of the accident. 

There are two main types of damages in a personal injury case; special and general damages. Before filing a claim, it’s important to understand the difference between them.

Special Damages

Special damages refer to as the monetary losses from the accident. They cover the indirect losses sustained by the injured party. These losses are objective and much simpler to calculate as compared to general damages, which are subjective.

To prove the sustenance of these damages, you need to keep a record of the bills and receipts from the applicable expenses you bore.

The Main Types of Special Damages

Medical Expenses: These expenses include the costs right from the time of the accident to the future, if required. If you’re filing a personal injury claim for your medical expenses, you need to keep a tight record of all the medical bills.

Loss of Income: In case your present or future earning potential has been affected by the injury, you’re entitled to compensation for that. To file this claim, you need to support it by providing evidence from your doctor that your injuries will keep you from working.

Out-of-pocket Expenses: Additional costs may fall under this category. For example, transportation costs, medication, etc.

Personal Property: This covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle or other personal possessions damaged during the accident.


General Damages

The physical, psychological, and emotional duress you suffered due to your accident is referred to as general damages.

Your injuries can disrupt your normal life and keep you from participating in activities, causing anxiety and depression.

Common Type of General Damages Include

Pain and Suffering: Although these damages can be difficult to quantify, the graveness of the situation can be understood by looking at your injuries. The intensity of your recovery also plays an important role.

Emotional Duress: These cover psychological damages, including anxiety, PTSD, and depression.

Loss of Enjoyment: If your injuries keep you from enjoying life and participating in activities, it will be considered general damages.

Consult with a Solicitor to File your Injury Claim

Wembley Solicitors will explain all the legalities involved in the case and ensure you receive the compensation the responsible party owes you.

To acquire our help, contact us now at 020 3417 3700!

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