Speeding: The Top Cause of Auto Accidents

Over speeding and rash driving are common across all parts of the world. Despite being an attentive driver, you can be involved in an auto accident due to irresponsible drivers. Being aware of the causes of auto accidents helps you stay safe on the road. You understand what to stay away from, what to watch out for, and what to do to prevent accidents from occurring. Road auto collisions cost a fortune, and can have fatal consequences.

In the UK, there was a four percent increase in road deaths in 2019 with 1,870 deaths. Even though the UK has some of the safest roads, accidents do happen. As a driver or pedestrian, the least you can do is be careful.

Why Do People Over Speed?

There are normally two sorts of individuals who fall in the category of over speeding. First are those individuals who are attempting to arrive at their destination as fast as possible because they may be running late, and the second are thrill seekers who are eager to take over slow drivers. If you fall within either of these categories, you can have your diving license suspended or you may have an accident.


File name: Crushed-Windscreen-Of-A-Car

Image Alt text: Broken Windscreen of a green car

What Causes Auto Accidents?

Speed ​​increases the risk of an accident as well as the severity of the injuries sustained in said accident. Cars are more prone to accidents when speeding as compared to slow ones. Furthermore, the driver is not granted the benefit of the doubt when driving at higher speeds, as blame typically falls on the driver for speeding.

The Royal Society for Accident Prevention (ROSPA) reports that around 400 people died in 2015 in the UK. No matter where you are driving, it is still safer to stick to the speed limit.

Decrease in Car accidents Casualties

There was a significant decrease in the casualties reported in 2020 due to car accidents, because of the lockdown implemented due to COVID-19 restrictions. The estimate of deaths concerning road accidents was 1,580. This showed a 14% decrease in deaths  and a 16% decrease in casualties of varying severity as compared to the last year.

Safety Systems to Prevent Road Accidents

ADAS or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems have been the talk of the town and their demand will increase in the future. ADAS has lead to a 27% decrease in personal injury and 19% decrease in property damage. Apart from such advanced systems, you can prevent rear-end collisions by keeping a fair distance from another car and avoid drunk driving.

Stuck in an emergency and want to claim? Connect with Wembley Solicitors and we will help you out with your claim, including but not limited to bus passenger accident claims and accident at work claim. Contact us at 07882900289 or email us at info@wembleysolicitors.com.

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