Starting the Naturalization Process: What Your Immigration Solicitor Can Help You With

Like any matter that has to do with UK immigration, applying for naturalization is not easy.

The process requires a lot of paperwork and effort on your part. You have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’ve not only contributed to the UK community, but that you’ve done so by following the law of the land.

While easy for some, completing this task is nerve-wracking for those who have prior refusals or troubles when applying for extensions and preceding applications.

That’s where we can help you!

Advice on the UK Naturalization Process

There are two categories through which you could apply for naturalization:

  1. Applying for naturalization after you’ve lived for 5 years in the UK
  2. Applying for naturalization as the spouse of a UK citizen after having spent three years living in the UK

Each process necessitates its own set of separate paperwork, aside from the basic requirements needed, which are:

  • Being 18 years of age or over, with sound mental faculties
  • Good character
  • Ability to communicate in the English language (Scottish Gaelic or Welsh will suffice)
  • Intent to live in the UK
  • Intent to work abroad in a company directly connected to the UK, a UK government organization)
  • Passing the UK government’s “Life in the UK” test
  • Achieving the required score in the English language test

Let’s start with the first option:

The Five Year Route

If you already have an ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain), this means you’re now in your 7th year in the UK, since after the first five years,  you have to apply for an ILR in your 6th year. This also means you’re on the path to naturalization.

If that is the case, and you aren’t married to a British citizen, you’ll need to show:

  • You’ve lived in the UK for at least 5 years
  • You haven’t spent more than 450 days outside the UK during those years
  • You haven’t spent 90 days abroad in the past 12 months
  • You have been granted ILR and have held it and remained in the UK for the past 12 months
  • You have not broken any immigration laws

If you have documents to show that you did indeed follow the above rules, your process will be pretty much straightforward.

The Three Year Route

If you are married to a British citizen, you are allowed to apply for naturalization if you satisfy the following requirements:

  • You have lived in the United Kingdom for at least 3 years since before you applied
  • You have not spent more than 270 days outside of the UK in the past three years
  • You have not spent 90 days outside of the UK in the last 12 months
  • You’ve been granted indefinite leave to remain or a permanent residence
  • You haven’t broken immigration laws

Again, it will be smooth sailing if you have all such documents ready to be sent with your application.

What About Supporting Documents?

If you’ve had refusals or any issues with past applications though, or have traveled abroad during the above stated months, it’s necessary that you seek help from a certified immigration solicitor so they can guide you the right way.

As a leading law firm in London, Wembley Solicitors can help you with that. For further information on the naturalization process, book an appointment and tell us what you need.

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