Sure Signs You Need To Hire A Child Custody Solicitor

Divorce is heavy and hard enough on its own and we make no bones about that.

If there are children in the picture, it does not serve to make things any easier. Divorce places an emotional strain on all parties involved, making it hard to focus, think clearly and make the simplest of decisions.

Whether it is choosing the right divorce or family law solicitor in the UK or simply going or figuring out when to hire a child custody lawyer, it is sometimes hard to keep track and operate as clearly as one might do under normal circumstances.

It is always wise to seek support during such times in order to ensure that you make the best possible decisions for yourself, your children and possibly even your soon to be former partner.

Here are a few things to look out for that will likely require you to look into legal representation of your own to help you undertake the unpleasant yet needed proceedings.

You are denied the right to see your children

Though this might not have been the initial decision between you and your ex, ugliness, conflict and resentment has created a situation where your ex no longer wishes to allow you to see your children. Alternatively, maybe your children are being used as a tool by which to manipulate you. Either way, this could mean that the hiring of a child custody solicitor might be in order.

You feel your children’s safety is at risk

If your ex-spouse or partner is violent and unstable or uses intimidation and bullying to keep you and your children away from each other. Looking into legal support is the best thing you can do in order to keep yourself and your children safe.

Your former partner hires a lawyer

There is a method to how things work in court and unfortunately, you might be extremely well meaning with the best intentions and still be denied the right to see and interact with, or should we just say, be a parent to your children.

This is because your partner who might not even be the more stable one is better represented during the hearing. A child custody solicitor will increase your chances of seeing a fair ending.

Your children are getting caught in the crossfire

An article in Psychology Today discusses how it is more parents fighting than the actual formal act of divorce and the separation that follows that damages children.

If you and your partner find yourself constantly pulling the children into over the table arguments about which parent they would rather stay with, maybe it’s time to take a step back, breathe and settle for legal support.

Other complications

There are a number of other situations where it makes sense to seek legal support such as if you have a previously unfavourable legal record for anger or substance misuse or if your case becomes less clear cut, or if you find it increasingly difficult to engage in a civil manner with you to be ex, among others.

Divorce is never easy and almost always a heavy and draining experience.

We can’t choose our troubles but we can choose how much we suffer over them. Don’t go into something so crucial uninformed and blind, especially when it is a question of the wellbeing of your children.

We’re here to help

Our team of experienced and highly skilled, legal professionals are available to guide and facilitate you on all legal matters pertaining to divorce, family law and child custody.


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