Tag: Child Custody

The Ultimate Guide to Financial Settlements During a Divorce

At least 42 percent of marriages in the UK end in divorce. The couples then have to distribute their financial assets acquired during the marriage or otherwise. More often than not, financial settlements turn ugly, and things get complicated when divided assets. This is in part due to the lack of expertise of the attorneys and

How to Win Child Custody Battle in the UK

According to the latest statistics, over 100,000 couples in the UK divorced last year. Albeit there has been a four per cent decrease in the divorce rate, the number is still alarming. Unfortunately, in most divorces, children are the most affected party. The parents going through a divorce, financial settlements, and then the legal fight

Simple Tips for Making Joint Child Custody Work

Struggling to work out a custody arrangement with your spouse? You are not alone. One of the most difficult parts of a divorce is figuring out a suitable parenting arrangement for children. The good news is that joint custody can work well for parents and children. There is no denying that it is not easy.