Tag: divorce solicitors uk

Child Custody What You Need To Know?

Child custody rights are some of the important things to take into account before getting a divorce. Child custody is a legal term which is used to describe the legal relationship between the parent and the children. It allows the person, who is legally allowed to take care of the children, to make decisions regarding


Legal separation, as the name suggests, is a legally bound separation in which the couple remains legally married but lives separately. Getting a legal separation requires the granting of a court order. 1. It’s A Mutual Decision Since both the partners have agreed that they won’t live together, neither one can blame the other for

What You Need to Ask Yourself Before Filing For Divorce

Ending a marriage can be a heart-breaking experience for many couples. If there are kids involved, then it can be even more painful. Other than the psychological and emotional effects, divorce can affect several other areas of a couple’s life. Therefore, it is crucial that you think long and hard before parting ways with your