Tag: expert divorce solicitor

Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Divorce Solicitors in the UK

If you’re considering getting a divorce or legal separation from your partner, chances are you’re in a tough spot at the moment. You or your partner may have left the family home, questions of the future may haunt you, and you’re desperate to find an expert divorce solicitor to help you through the process.

Child Custody in the UK – The Basics

In a majority of divorce cases in the UK, both the parents maintain joint custody of the children. So, what’s joint custody? Simply put, joint custody means that a child spends equal time with both of their parents. They live with one parent half of the time and the other half with the other parent.

A Guide To Financial Settlements After A Divorce and How To Divide Assets

When a marriage ends, the financial settlement is one of the most difficult and unpleasant topics to resolve. The legislation governing the division of assets after the divorce is quite tricky. The family courts in England have a lot of leeway, and every financial settlement case is judged on its own merits. The legislation is written to enable the