Tag: family law solicitors

Can A Separation Help Save Your Marriage?

Have you ever considered that your relationship with your spouse would benefit from a temporary separation? Some troubled couples consent to a trial/temporary separation in the hopes that some time apart may enable them to reconcile more positively and healthily. Or, if they’re thinking of divorcing, they believe a trial/temporary separation will allow them to

Can Child Support Be Extended into College?

When parents get divorced or legally separated, the non-custodial parent becomes responsible for providing child support to meet the child’s basic necessities. The confusion about child support for college-going children is one subject that commonly comes up. As a result, many parents worry if child support may be used to cover the cost of college

Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Divorce Solicitors in the UK

If you’re considering getting a divorce or legal separation from your partner, chances are you’re in a tough spot at the moment. You or your partner may have left the family home, questions of the future may haunt you, and you’re desperate to find an expert divorce solicitor to help you through the process.

The Ultimate Successful Parenting Toolkit for Separated Parents

According to the latest statistics, there are over 100,000 divorces in the UK each year. Many of these divorces involve children and result in nasty custody battles and disputes that rage on for months. During this time, the child or children in question are shuttled back and forth between parents or sent to stay with relatives

Child Custody What You Need To Know?

Child custody rights are some of the important things to take into account before getting a divorce. Child custody is a legal term which is used to describe the legal relationship between the parent and the children. It allows the person, who is legally allowed to take care of the children, to make decisions regarding

Post Divorce: Who Gets the Child Custody?

It’s a bond unlike any other, most cherished, most valued—for both. And although, neither of you ever wanted to entertain this consideration [after all, it shouldn’t be the little soul suffering for the differences between the two of you], but eventually you are here: Who gets child custody after divorce? Deciding on custody of your

Essential for Divorce Tips for Men

Those going through or those whom have gone through it, know exactly how stressful and exhausting a divorce can be. For men, the losses may not just be emotional but very material as well. Often, when in the thick of such turmoil, both men and women are extremely emotionally vulnerable. Of course, family law solicitors


Legal separation, as the name suggests, is a legally bound separation in which the couple remains legally married but lives separately. Getting a legal separation requires the granting of a court order. 1. It’s A Mutual Decision Since both the partners have agreed that they won’t live together, neither one can blame the other for