Tag: Legal Separation

How Can a Lawyer Help With My Car Accident Claim?

Thousands of people suffer injuries every day as a result of careless driving accidents. An estimated 127,967 automobile accidents in the UK result in injuries of all severity levels. If this happens to you, you need to know your legal alternatives for recovering compensation for your damages.

How to Handle a Divorce While Running a Family Business?

Family-owned businesses account for the majority of enterprises based in the United Kingdom. There were 5.1 million family-owned firms in the UK in 2018, accounting for 87.6% of the private sector. Relationship breakdowns, such as a legal separation or divorce, can easily hurl these successful companies towards failure.

Refugee vs. Asylum Seeker: What’s the Difference?

According to UNHCR data, the UK has 135,912 refugees, 83,489 pending asylum claims, and 3,968 stateless people as of mid-2021. Fathers, mothers, and children have been forced to evacuate their homes to flee persecution, war, political upheaval, and conflict.

The Ultimate Guide to Financial Settlements During a Divorce

At least 42 percent of marriages in the UK end in divorce. The couples then have to distribute their financial assets acquired during the marriage or otherwise. More often than not, financial settlements turn ugly, and things get complicated when divided assets. This is in part due to the lack of expertise of the attorneys and

5 Common Reasons for a Divorce between Couples

In the United Kingdom, 42% of marriages end in divorce. The escalating divorce rate each year makes one think about the seriousness of this issue. Scholars and social scientists have long studied the causes of a divorce. Some researchers surveyed, asking couples why their marriage ended in a divorce. The results showed various grounds such as infidelity,

Steps To File For A Legal Separation

Things aren’t working out between you and your spouse lately, and you both have finally decided to move on? The initial step is to file for a legal separation. A legal separation is a legally binding contract that is similar to a divorce. The major difference is that on the documents, your rights as a

What Are Your Rights in Legal Separation?

Some marriages end in heartbreak, while most end with dreadful court battles. But, it doesn’t have to be true in your case. You will need professional help to understand your rights in separation, especially if you have kids. Children custody solicitors often also provide counsel on your rights in separation and divorce cases. Let’s explore your