Tag: personal injury claims

Can I Claim Compensation for Workplace Stress?

People usually picture someone who has suffered physical harm by accident at work, such as slipping while working, being injured with harmful chemicals, getting squashed by a mechanical device, or even losing a hand in a mechanical accident. Worker’s compensation claim, on the other hand, covers more than only accidents-related injuries. It also provides benefits

Taking Legal Action About Human Rights

Human rights are guaranteed rights that every person possesses, but how can you exercise them and put them into practice? The Human Rights Act of 1998 protects human rights in the United Kingdom. If a public authority (NHS or police) violates your human rights, you may be entitled to sue them in the UK courts under the

Hit-and-Runs: All You Need To Know About Personal Injury Claims

The number of personal injury claims has steadily risen over the past few years to reach a peak of 538,000 in 2018. Personal injury cases are one of the most complicated forms of law given the complications associated with establishing fault with an offender who is expected to offer compensation to the plaintiff for injuries.