Tag: Solicitor

Rights of Public When Charged or Detained By The Police

When an individual is arrested, they are restrained or detained by police to charge them with an offense. Whether or not if you are guilty, you have rights and protections if you are detained. Nevertheless, the police have rights and obligations that you must respect and must abide by.

The Difference Between an Advocate and a Solicitor

If you’re considering going to court for a legal issue, you might want to know what’s the difference between a solicitor and an advocate. We’ll be discussing what advocates and solicitors do and which one you should hire to help with your legal case.

2 Ways UK’s Expert Immigration Solicitor Can Help

According to government statistics, 715,000 people migrated to the United Kingdom by March 2020, indicating an influx of people in the country. To create a check and balance, the government has placed a complex immigration system in place. The system ensures that the process of migration is as smooth and transparent as possible. However, for

3 Things to Consider Before Signing a Cohabitation Agreement

Despite living for a long period together, two people cannot be considered a married couple unless they go through a marriage process, disallowing the legal status. A cohabitation agreement is similar to a prenuptial agreement, but for unmarried couples that choose to live together under one roof.

3 Reasons to Acquire A Solicitor When Getting A Divorce

The phase of getting a divorce can be an emotionally overwhelming phase of life. Unfortunately, the process has many caveats that have to be focused on that many people do not have the time and energy for, especially after a relationship that could have been taxing for their health.

Why You Need A Solicitor When Applying For UK Visa

Saves Time A solicitor can help you save time by sorting all required documents for you and guiding you through the process properly.   Avoid Errors One minor mistake on your form can be a cause of your application rejection. Experienced solicitors are accustomed to the usual mistakes people make while applying for UK visa.