The Dos and Don’ts of Prenuptial Agreements

Let’s face it—marriage is a fragile affair. Even though it’s defined as a lifelong bond, it’s often on the brink of falling apart. According to statistics, 100,000 divorces were recorded in 2019 in England and Wales. If the thought of a prenuptial agreement crossed your mind, you’re on the right side of the track, and we suggest you start looking for the best family law solicitors in London.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a prenup, is a written contract between you and your future spouse before you legally tie the knot. Signing such an agreement means you and your spouse grant full disclosure of your assets to each other.

Furthermore, you decide on each of your rights and duties throughout the marriage, as well as the financial settlement in divorce or the case of death.

At Wembley Solicitors, we provide a comprehensive range of legal services. Our experienced team of family law solicitors is qualified to help you with your prenuptial agreement and various other legal matters.

Now that we’ve learned about a prenup and its benefits—let’s put forth the dos and don’ts you should remember while signing it.

The Dos of a Prenuptial Agreement

Following are the things to consider when signing a prenup agreement:

Clear Objectives

Although a prenuptial agreement may benefit your marriage in the long run—it may be tough to attain these benefits if the agreement is not correctly completed or doesn’t contain the precise legal wordings.


Time it to Perfection

You don’t want to be in a situation where you find out about a prenup agreement a day before the wedding.

Our suggestion is to get it processed at least six months before the wedding for mutual mental peace.

Consider Your Future

You don’t want to rush with this agreement and base it on your temporary emotions. The agreement must be mutually discussed and agreed upon, keeping the future in mind.

Hire Different Lawyers

Two different lawyers can help with two different perspectives. You must hire a certified family lawyer for personalized inspection and protection.

The Don’ts of a Prenuptial Agreement

Following are the things to avoid when signing a prenup agreement:

Confidentiality of the Terms

The terms of the agreement must always stay between you and your spouse—never let the opinions of a third party interfere in the agreement because it may complicate matters.


Keep Your Share

Signing such an agreement can be overwhelming. You mustn’t let your emotions prevail and sign your rights away.

Don’t Proceed Without Legal Help

Prenuptial agreement may seem like something you and your significant other can talk over at the dinner table—but it’s more complex than that and must never be taken on without professional supervision.

Wembley Solicitors is a prominent name of legal services in London. Our team of experienced family law solicitors in Wembley will guide you for a comprehensive prenuptial agreement in London. We counsel couples who are getting married on all of their options—and the consequences of their financial decisions.

Call us at 02034173700 or book an appointment with our expert divorce solicitors for friendly legal advice.

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