The Timeline of Personal Injury Claims in the UK

Depending on the type of accident and the injuries you endure, the personal injury claim process can either be complex or very simple.

Many people get hurt in brutal hit and run incidents but don’t report them or choose not to opt for claims because they worry the procedure would just include one hassle after another. However, we’re here to break down the entire legal procedure for you

How long does it take to process a compensation claim?

We get this question from our clients quite frequently and the truth is that it’s hard to state a figure without understanding the details of the incident. When we’re talking about a personal injury claim, there are several factors that can influence its process and outcome:

  1. Who is liable to be held accountable for your injury and the accident?
  2. Presence of medical evidence showing the extent of the injury caused by the accident
  3. The medical prognosis of the injured and their chances of recovery.

Proving the personal injury

The claimant first has to provide evidence of the injury caused by the accident. They can easily do this by seeking a medical report. In some, more complex cases, you might be asked to produce more than one type of medical report or opinion.

It’s highly unlikely that your solicitor will ask you to immediately settle your claim, especially if you haven’t yet fully recovered from your injuries. If you persist, they will ask you to wait for a final medical report, just so you don’t under-settle for your stated injuries.

How much can I claim for the injury?

Your solicitor will require your medical report so they can compare your injuries to those of claimants in similar situations in the past. Based on their claim history and guidelines from the judicial council, your solicitor will be able to tell you how much your claim is worth.

Understanding the nature of the claim

A rule of thumb is to remember that the more complex or severe your injuries are, the more time it’ll take to prepare adequate medical evidence and hence, it’ll increase the time it takes to settle your personal injury claim.

In some cases, your solicitor may advise you to obtain interim payments to cover up for lost income due to your injuries. Seriously hurt claimants can be off from work for weeks on end and it is your personal injury lawyer’s responsibility to ensure you get compensated for damages. So if you’re supposed to settle for £4,000, you can receive £1,000 as interim payment and receive the remaining £3,000 later on.

Essentially, it’s hard to say how long a claims process would take. If your case is pretty straightforward, you can expect to have your personal injury claim settled in 4–9 months. However, in more complex scenarios, this time limit can easily extend.

Looking for personal injury solicitors in Middlesex? Wembley Solicitors are at your service! Call now at 020 3417 3700 and book a consultation with our experts. We can also help you with family law, contract disputes and various other types of litigation.

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