These Acts Can Sabotage Your Divorce Proceedings

Ending a marriage is one of hardest things any individual can go through. After a married couple officially calls it quits, they need to prepare themselves for the divorce process.

If you are going through a difficult divorce, it is crucial that you avoid certain things that can jeopardise your likelihood of winning the case.

In this blog post, we will touch upon the things you should not before and during your divorce.

Moving out

Unless you are dealing with domestic abuse, do not move out of your home. This is particularly true if you are fighting for child custody as well. Moving out can work against you. Not to mention, you will have to pay rent at your new place.

Lashing out at your ex on social media

When you post something on Facebook, Twitter or any social media platform, it is there for your friends and family to view it. Venting about your ex on social media can be used against you in court.

Flaunting your new partner on social media

Avoid posting pictures of your latest partner on social media as it may hurt your case. Remember, social media is a public forum. It is important to play smart on social media during your divorce. Do not give your ex any chance to weaken your position.

Having incorrect or incomplete documentation

Before meeting a divorce solicitor, start compiling information about your spouse. You should know your ex’s salary, social security number, credit ratings, monthly utility bills, so on.

If there are kids are involved, make sure you have a clear idea of child care expenses.

Hiding information from your solicitor

Lying or concealing information from a solicitor is the biggest mistake a person can make. A successful solicitor-client relationship is based on trust and understanding.

If you are purposely hiding personal or professional information from your solicitor, it will adversely affect your case.

Tell your solicitor everything you think is important to know. This includes your financial information (assets you own, salary, property you own, etc.). Even if you have committed adultery, your solicitor needs to know that.

Remember, if you do not disclose facts to your solicitor, they will eventually find out about it.

If you are filing for a divorce in Wembley, our experienced divorce solicitors can provide you expert legal advice and assistance. Rest assured, they make the process smooth and easy for you. Call on 02034173700 for booking a consultation.

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