Things to Consider Before Starting the Divorce Proceedings

In 2017, there were more than 100,000 cases of divorce among opposite sex couples in England and Wales. These staggering figures show how common divorce is in the UK.

Nobody wants to go through a divorce. It’s an emotionally overwhelming experience and the sooner you are done with it the better.

The process becomes a lot easier when you prepare for each step in advance. Let’s take a look at some of the things you need to consider before starting divorce proceedings:

Is The Relationship Really Over?

Rom-coms would have you believe that people stay in love for eternity. However, real life works quite differently. Every relationship has its fair share of ups and downs.

So before you decide to end a relationship, you should determine if you have really reached a point of no return. Take your time and consider every aspect before filling in divorce papers.

Does Your Partner Want To End It Too?

Does your partner feel the same way about the relationship? The process of getting divorce is especially going to be tough if they don’t want to end the relationship.

Pushing them into ending the relationship will only make things worse. It will only prolong the process and make things a lot worse.

Duration of the Marriage

You can only be divorced if you have been married for more than a year. If that’s not a case, you’ll have to wait for some time before you can divorce. You can try and apply for annulment of marriage but the process is complicated and it’s not easy to provide proof for annulment.

Is There A Legal Reason For Divorce?

When you file for divorce, you’ll be required to present a reason for divorce. Some reasons for divorce in England and Wales include desertion, adultery, unreasonable behaviour and separation for two years or more.

Copy of Marriage Certificate

When you file for divorce, you will also be required to present a copy of the marriage certificate. If you don’t have the copy of the certificate, you can get it from the registry office.

If you were married outside of the United Kingdom, you will need to contact the authorities and ask them to send a copy of the certificate.

How Will You Split The Money?

In order to ensure that divorce proceedings go smooth, it’s a good idea that you determine how you intend to split your money in advance. If you cannot come to a mutual agreement, ask the court to split the assets for you.

Looking for divorce solicitors in London? Get in touch with us. We offer a wide range of solicitation services. These include prenuptial agreements, financial settlement in divorce and judicial separation. You can contact us now at 020-3417-3700 for further details.

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