Things to Consider When Looking for Legal Separation

Being legally separated is different from separating by filing a divorce.

Separation for a certain amount of time is necessary before a divorce can be obtained. This entails that a couple should live separately, without acting as a married couple. This includes sleeping separately and moving out. The act of moving out can be decided with mutual understanding; whatever the case, it is always better to get legal separation documents.

It is a major step in life, so ensure that you are not doing anything wrong. Here are some things you must ensure before seeking legal separation:

Marriage Counselling

Marriage counselling isn’t about saving a marriage. It can help you determine whether you are mentally and emotionally ready to separate from your spouse and moving out of the house.

You will also learn how you can take it up with your children if they are under 18.

Remember that divorce is very stressful; which is why it is important to seek counselling first.

Where will the Children live

According to English Law, it is important for you to decide where your children will live after divorce. So make sure that you have everything planned out for the children before filing.

This will also keep the proceedings as short as possible, and you won’t have to pay your attorney hefty sums of money.

Your Own Accommodation

There are lots of things that you have to figure out, especially related to your own accommodation.

Take into account your income and decide what your long-term plans are. Staying in your current home is a good idea, as this will mean less disruption for your children, but ensure that you will be able to afford the overheads.

Discuss in detail what your legal entitlements are if you are asked to leave to your home or are planning to leave it on your own.

Sorting out the Documents

Your financial position plays a big role in the divorce proceedings, so make sure that you have sorted out all the documents beforehand. Don’t make the mistake of hiding any information related to your finances, as this can go against you in court.

A good strategy is to reveal everything to the court and then go about protecting your assets from being awarded to your spouse.


If your partner is a beneficiary in your life and death insurance, then you must get him/her removed immediately.

You must ensure that the benefits of these insurances are passed on your children or other family members.

Give us a call on 020 3417 3700 or visit our website if you have any further confusion. 

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