Tier 1 Investor Visa – Qualifying Investments under UK Immigration Laws

The landscape of UK immigration laws is changing constantly; rules that applied to certain types of visas a few months ago might not be valid today. For people who are looking to move to the UK, it’s important to stay updated to make an informed decision.

One of the most popular visa routes taken by non-EU nationals to live in the UK is the Tier 1 (Investor) visa. In this blog, we’re going to take an exhaustive look at it.

What Is A UK Tier 1 Visa?

Tier 1 Investor visas are aimed at high net worth individuals living outside the UK or in non-EU countries who are willing to make substantial financial investments in the UK. Under the Tier 1 visa, the person can study, work, or engage in business activities in the UK.

They also have the liberty to bring their dependents into the country. A typical Tier 1 Investor visa leads to settlement in the UK after the completion of a five year period. With additional investment, the settlement period can be accelerated as per UK immigration laws.

Qualifying Investments under the Tier 1 Investor Visa

The basic requirement under a Tier 1 Investor visa is that the applicant must invest a minimum of £2m or more in the UK.

The funds must remain in the UK and need to be made in qualifying investments, which include:

  • Loan Capital or Shares in an active and trading company registered in the UK apart from those engaged in property management, property investment, or property development. Active and trading UK registered company means that the company shouldn’t be non-trading or dormant. It should also be registered with the Companies House in the UK as well as with HMRC for PAYE and corporation tax. Other requirements include a registered office in the UK with a bank account that shows regular trade activity and at least two employees based in the UK who aren’t the directors.
  • UK Government Bonds are valid if you applied under the old rules or your application was submitted before the changes were made in 2014. Under the new rules, investing in UK government bonds is no longer an option for Tier 1 Investor visa applicants.

The qualifying investment needs to be made within 90 days of the applicant entering the UK under the Tier 1 Investor visa category. They should remain in the UK for the entirety of the visa duration. In case the investment is sold at a loss, the applicant is expected to reimburse the investment using personal funds.


Investments That Don’t Qualify

Some of the investments that will not be counted under a Tier 1 investor visa include:

  • Funds invested through a trust or an offshore company
  • Funds invested in investment trust companies, open-ended investment companies, or pooled investments vehicles unless they are receiving UK government funding or are a devolved government agency or department.
  • Funds invested in companies that engage mainly in property-related investment ventures including property development and management.

Hire Immigration Experts

The investor visa process isn’t that complicated. However, small mistakes often happen when the application is made without expert consultants, which results in the applicant being in breach of the immigration rules. A breach can cause the application to be rejected and might even get the applicant banned from applying in the future.

The best chance of getting your application accepted and for the whole process to go smoothly is to hire an expert UK immigration lawyer. Wembley Solicitors in London is one such firm which has several solicitors who have years of experience dealing with UK immigration laws. Contact us today at 020 3417 3700 for assistance with your Tier 1 Investor visa application!

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