Top Tips for Battling Post-Divorce Depression

Divorce is a traumatic life experience, second only to the death of a spouse. Almost 60% of individuals who go through divorce are likely to have a major depressive episode, especially if they have a history of depression.

If you are going through a divorce and are not careful, chronic stress with undermine your mental and emotional health. While you may be worried about property distribution and child custody, it is important not to neglect your emotional wellbeing.

Here are some suggestions that can help you cope with the depression during and after your divorce, and somehow manage your stress levels.

Be Around People

When you’re depressed, the last thing you want is to be around people. However, this is the only way to make the feeling of loneliness and loss go away. By being around others, you will feel more connected and keep yourself distracted from the fact that your life has undergone such a drastic change.

It will also be better for you to share your negative feelings with others, rather than let them remain inside you.

Change Your Routine

It is easy for individuals who have undergone divorce to feel that there life is over and there is nothing left to do. This is often a result of withdrawal and can often make you feel hopeless. Therefore, change your routine in some way, like taking up a new hobby or getting a part-time job.

A fresh environment will help you get out of your head and give you something to look forward to.

Write Goodbye Letters

This is a good exercise that will help you accept the reality of the situation and move on. Sit down on your desk with a pen and paper and start drafting letters to everyone and everything in your life that will no longer be the same.

This could include your role as a partner, the family traditions, the holidays, picking up your kids after school and so on. You may want to write a letter to your ex and in-laws too, which will help you in accepting who they are as individuals.

You’d be surprised at how powerful this exercise is. It will bring you face to face with what you are losing as a result of divorce and what you will know exactly what you will be missing most about your marriage. Once you know that, you can develop coping mechanism more effectively.


Write Hello Letters

There is a reason why you had a divorce. Maybe it was the emotional unavailability, constant arguments or possibly domestic abuse. Therefore, write a hello letter to your new self who will no longer have to deal with this on a day to day basis.

You should also write hello letters to things you are looking forward to, such as dating other people or moving into a new neighbourhood. You could also include things or activities that you had to let go because of your marriage but enjoying doing in the past, such as a night out with friends or adventurous camping trips.

Don’t do this activity as a onetime activity. Do it as frequently and as often as you feel like it, and you will notice that your depression starts to lessen by a great deal.

Join A Support Group

If you think that you aren’t dealing with depression very well, then consider joining a support group. Never underestimate the power of support groups, as they could prove to be a defining factor in how well you deal with the whole trauma.

By joining a support group, you will not only learn effective ways to deal with depression, but will also learn about other people who had to go through the same experience as you.

You will also get a chance to share your wisdom. You may meet people who are struggling with their relationships, and your advice may just help them alleviate their lives. Nothing will make you feel better about yourself than helping and inspiring others to become better.

Take Your Time

Individuals who experience the death of their partner get more support from their community, than a person who is dealing with divorce. This is the reason why divorce is messy and difficult to deal with. Therefore, be gentle with yourself and accept that it will take time for you to heal.

Take time for self-reflection and see how this traumatic experience can make you a better human being in the future.

About Us

Wembley Solicitors is a UK law firm specializing in family law, including divorce settlements, child custody, and domestic violence and so on. The firm resources experienced and knowledgeable law solicitors who can handle all types of divorce settlements, making sure clients get are treated fair and just with regards to property and child custody. For more details call 020 3417 3700 or email at

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