UK Immigration: Essential Facts You Need to Know

According to a report published on FullFact, 495,000 non-British citizens moved to the UK from 2010 to 2016. The number of non-British nationals moving to the UK stood at 514,000 in 2016.

In fact, increasing immigration numbers have compensated for a declining birth rate and an ageing population.

Economic and labour market factors are the predominant factors driving migration to the UK. People want to move to the UK for pursuing better work and study opportunities.

Changes in the UK immigration policy affect the migration flows. Along with immigration policy, employment, welfare and trade policies also have a significant impact on immigration trends.

If you are considering moving to the UK, whether for work or higher studies, it is important that you know these facts:

Brexit Will Affect Immigration Policy  

The UK announced its withdrawal from the EU in June 2016, Brexit caused a lot of panic not just in the UK, but internationally as well.

Many people are concerned about how Brexit will affect their future. If you are entering the UK legally, then you should not be worried.

English Is Not The Only Spoken Language

The UK is a multicultural society. While English is the official language, hundreds of foreign languages are now spoken by migrants from across the world. This includes Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Hindi, Gujrati, Punjabi, Urdu, Italian, French, Bengali, Saraiki, and more.

UK, England and Britain Are Not the Same

Few people know the difference between the UK, England and Britain. England is among the four constituent states (ruled by Her Majesty’s Government in Westminster, London). It is a state within the UK.

Britain is an island where England, Scotland and Wales are located. The UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is an island nation located in north-western Europe.

It Rains A Lot

The weather is mostly dark and cloudy. As you go further up north, the wetter it is. Generally, it rains a lot in UK.

Learn UK Visa And Immigration Rules

The visa and immigration rule change time and again. Sometimes, security incidents can lead to frequent changes. You must be up-to-date with these changes.

If you cannot keep track of UK immigration or visa policy, Wembley Solicitors can help. Our immigration solicitors are specialised to deal with all types of UK Immigration categories, including but not limited to student visa, work visa, British nationality, family visa, EU, EEA and Commonwealth and more.

Get in touch with us for all your UK immigration needs.

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