UK immigration system: new rules for 2021

So far, the UK government has pledged to treat the EU and non-EU citizens equally as we move into 2021. The government will also continue to allow the Irish citizens to continue to enter and leave the UK as they are doing now. However, starting from January 1st, 2021, the freedom of movement with the EU will end. Let’s take a look at the expected changes:

Visa application

Starting January 1st, 2021, you’ll be able to apply and pay for your UK visa online through several routes. If you’re an EU, EEA, or Swiss Citizen, you need to provide your necessary biometric information and a digital photograph captured using a smartphone. No fingerprints are needed. For non-EU citizens, you need to visit a visa application centre to get your photographs and fingerprints recorded.

International students

The government has also allowed the global talent scheme to make it easier for skilled scientists and researchers to visit the UK even if they don’t have a job offer at hand. Applying for a student visa has become a lot easier. Anyone who has been offered a course, has enough money to pay for it and is fluent in English can apply. Other than that, the government has also introduced a new immigration route for international students to finish their degrees by summer 2021. The policy will allow those students to immediately work or look for work in the UK, up to 2 years. Ph.D. students can work for up to 3 years.

Visiting the UK

The new policy has some good news for the EU, EEA, and Swiss Citizens. If they’re living in the UK until December 31st, 2020, you need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue their stay post-June 2021.  As far as the citizens of the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, and Singapore are concerned—they can continue using the biometric chips in their passports to get through the ePassport gates. This is expected to continue till at least 2026. The government has also announced to recognize the ICAO compliant identity cards beyond 2026.

As for the immigration status, EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens will continue to prove their immigration status online. Non-EU citizens will do so using physical documents.

If you need any help regarding the UK’s immigration visa process, Wembley Solicitors would be glad to help! We are home to some of the most qualified UK immigration lawyers to help expedite your visas.

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