UK Spouse Visa Interview — Proving the Validity of Your Application

As a spouse, it’s only normal for you to want to be near your husband or wife. The United Kingdom offers spouse visas for individuals looking to join their partner in the UK. Though the process may seem intimidating at first, it is relatively simple and easy to understand given you do your research beforehand and understand the legalities involved.

When you first apply for a spouse visa in the UK, you will be called in for an interview. The immigration officers present at the interview try to determine your case and understand how much truth there is to what you’re saying.

Here’s what’s involved when it comes to proving the validity of your application during your UK spouse visa interview:

Have all the documents ready in advance

The success of your visa application basically depends on the documents that you hand in. You need to make sure they’re complete because showing up to the interview without the necessary documents can get your visa rejected.

Keep in mind that you may be required to bring other evidence like selective excerpts for Skype logs, wedding photos and invitations, and so on. Ask what’s needed beforehand.

Moreover, make sure you arrive on time because not doing so reflects badly on how serious you are about getting the visa. Arriving a bit before the interview time will also help you relax and centre yourself.

Pay attention to how you look

Choose a formal outfit for the interview to give the impression of you deeming it an important meeting.

Moreover, it is important for you to maintain a calm facial expression as showing your anxieties on your face can make the immigration officers doubt the validity of your answers.

Maintain healthy eye contact at all times.

Don’t give awkward answers

Some basic questions you’ll be asked at the interview include but are not limited to how you met your spouse, whether this your first application for a visa to the UK, what their hobbies are, your individual incomes, family names, and so on.

Prepare beforehand and only tell the truth. It can’t get any simpler than that. Furthermore, make sure you don’t give unnecessary information to back up your answers and keep it as concise as you possibly can.

The immigration officers want clear-cut information, and don’t want to beat around the bush.

If you’re looking for legal support to get your spouse visa in Wembley, UK, head over to Wembley Solicitors. We provide exceptional standards of legal services and our fixed-fee legal service means we don’t have any hidden charges. Call now at 02034173700!


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