UK Visitor Visa: All You Need To Know

If you want to visit a friend or family member in the UK then you will need to apply for a visit visa. There are different types of UK visitors’ visas, including standard, marriage, family, and short-term study visa. Let’s take a quick look at them:

Standard visitor visa

A standard visitor visa allows people to visit the UK for several reasons, such as:

  • For vacation, leisure or business purpose
  • For visiting friends and family in the UK
  • For participating in academics, creative or sports events in the UK
  • For receiving medical treatment in the UK

While the visa is usually issued for 6 months, it can be extended in the special circumstances.

Marriage visitor visa

In order to apply for a marriage visitor visa, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You are 18 years of age or older
  • You want to marry or enter into a civil partnership in the UK
  • You plan on visiting the UK for less than six months
  • You have no intention of settling in the country after your marriage

As a rule, apply for a marriage visitor visa at least 3 months before you travel.

Short-term study visa

You can apply for a short-term study visa in the following cases:

  • You live outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland
  • You are studying a short study course in the UK
  • You have evidence that you been offered admission to study a short-term course at a recognised educational institution in the country

It is advisable to apply three months before you want to travel to the UK. You should expect to receive within three weeks.

Family visitor visa

A family visitor visa allows people to come to the UK to live with a family member. They can stay for than 6 months.

The family member needs to be a permanent British citizen or settled in the country. They can be your child, partner, spouse, fiancé / fiancée or any relative. If you are from the European Economic Area or Switzerland, you do not need to apply for the visa. Generally, you should expect a decision on your visa within 12 weeks.


Regardless of the type of visa you apply for, it is important to meet these conditions:

  • You should have enough money to finance your visit to the UK
  • You should have the funds to return to your home country

Interested in applying for a visitor visa? Call 020 3417 3700 and see how our UK immigration experts could help you.

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