Visa Woes: Why Your Spouse Visa Application Got Refused

Applying for a spouse visa to the UK is a task dreaded by many. With a tedious process ahead and high chances of rejection, many applicants find it difficult to obtain this particular visa. However, it’s often because of the following errors that our applications end up being refused.

Incomplete Forms

We know. Filling up forms after forms can be exhausting and frustrating. However, don’t let your impatience to get done with the process as early as possible have you overlook important form details!

Before you submit the form, double and triple-check it for any incomplete details. It’s easy to miss out one tiny box that needs to be checked through, but this mistake can be the very reason your visa ends up getting rejected!

After all, the visa officer will be going through each little detail while reviewing and you don’t want them to deny your visa because of incomplete information. Go over your forms multiple times and even have your spouse go through them to make sure you’re not missing anything out.

Inaccuracies in Documents

Submitting false information is a huge no-no. Everything you include in the forms will be scrutinized closely, and will be verified by the application reviewing officer. They’ll conduct background checks about you and your loved ones to learn more about you. This may include phone calls to your family members and friends, employer, neighbors, and even distant acquaintances.

Stick to honest and authentic information when filling out the application. Even accidentally entering incorrect details can cause you trouble and jeopardize your chances of visa approval. Double-check the forms for zero misinformation before you submit them.

Lack of Financial Support Evidence

Applying for a visa to the UK is even more challenging because of their financial requirement for spouse visas. Your spouse needs to be earning a certain amount to make them eligible for bringing their spouse to the country.

Moreover, the government also verifies whether or not your spouse can continue generating enough income to provide for you and your family once you move to the UK. As a result, if you’re unable to provide enough evidence supporting your financial standing, it’s likely that your application will be rejected.

Criminal Offenses

Finally, if you have a history of criminal offenses or felonies, your approval chances will be impacted by it. While the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act can exempt you from this if the crime was committed a long time ago, this isn’t always guaranteed.

The approval status depends on the nature of the felony as well. Individuals who have a criminal record (even a minor one) will be subjected to greater scrutiny and may find it more difficult to have their application approved.

Wembley Solicitors can help you with your spouse visa applications and immigration appeals. Get in touch with our team now by calling us at 020 3417 3700!

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