What are the Main Types of Visas Available for the UK?

Are you planning to visit the land of Shakespeare and shepherd’s pie anytime soon? All you need to have is a UK visa!

The United Kingdom is a beautiful place to visit, but you are required to have a UK visa to be able to enter and travel the country. The UK visa application is a long process and you need to pass through the hurdle to get your visa.

However, the question is, what type of visa would you need for your reason of travel to the UK? Well, here are the main types of visas available for the UK.

Visitor Visa

Since the UK is a renowned tourist destination, most tourism visas are provided for as long as six months and not more.

Similarly, short business trips to the UK are also treated the same way as tourism visas and you can visit the country on tourism quite frequently, unless of course you take up a new job there.


Student Visa

Of course, who hasn’t heard of Oxford and Cambridge! The United Kingdom is home to some of the world’s oldest and best regarded schools. Every year, huge amounts of students travel to the United Kingdom to fulfil their dream of studying in the leading schools of the world.

When going to the UK for study, students can choose from amongst different visa options such as:

  • Tier 4: for children aged between 4 to 17 years to study in England
  • Tier 4: also for adults looking to pursue their further studies in the UK
  • The Student Visitor Visa is for students who want to take up a short course for about less than 6 months in the UK
  • Prospective students can also get a visa to visit schools in the UK and decide which would be the best one to take admission in

Family Visa

The UK immigration authorities grant visas to people who want to:

  • Visit their families in the UK
  • Settle in the UK with a settled person or British citizen
  • Marry a resident of the country

All in all, this visa applies to you if you are a parent, grandparent, civil partner, spouse, fiancé or civil partner to be, or child who is dependent of this UK resident or citizen.

Working Visa

Since the economy of UK is robust and active, different visas are available for people wanting to go there for work.

  • Tier 1: Entrepreneurs, investors and other exceptional individuals who can contribute positively to the economy of UK.
  • Tier 2: Skilled worker.
  • Tier 5: Visas issued temporarily to workers for less than 12 months.


Wembley Solicitors has a team of highly experienced immigration lawyers in London who can help you with the preparation of your application and get a visa without much difficulty. For details, contact us and we’ll walk you through the process.

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