What Brexit Means for UK Immigration

The UK officially stopped being a member of the European Union (EU) on the 31st of January, 2020. The process kick-started after a public referendum in 2016 indicated the majority of British nationals wished to leave the EU.

Views on immigration played a key role in the Brexit movement. One of the primary goals of the movement was to redesign the UK’s immigration laws. Things have begun to change and post-Brexit, the question on everyone’s mind is what this will mean for immigration with relation to the EU. How the ongoing rights of EU citizens in the UK, and British citizens in the EU will be affected.

So, what can you expect UK immigration to now look like post-Brexit?

New Migrant Policy

The British government is already aiming to pass a migrant policy that relies on a points-based immigration system. Overseas citizens are required to reach 70 points to be eligible for work in the UK. Being able to speak English and having a job offer with the appropriate skill level are worth 50 points. The remaining 20 points have to be gained by either earning above the salary threshold; a PhD in a relevant field; a lower salary threshold with a PhD in any field; or a job in an occupation with a worker shortage.

EU Settlement Scheme

Currently, EU citizens are granted free movement, but that will change after the 1st of January 2021. After that, EU and non-EU citizens who wish to move to the UK will be treated the same.

Under the EU Settlement Scheme, citizens of the EU who have lived in the UK for five years will be eligible to apply for indefinite stay. They will be able to apply for citizenship in Britain, be allowed to access public funds, and be able to live freely in the UK. For British citizens living in the EU, reciprocal rights will be conferred.

If you’re considering starting a life in the UK but are troubled or unsure how Brexit is going to affect that, it’s critical that you have a competent immigration lawyer by your side to help you navigate the process.

At, Wembley Solicitors we have a team of expert immigration lawyers with the necessary experience in immigration appeals, naturalisation, work visa, student visas, and much more. If you’re located in London and need legal support on with your own or a loved one’s immigration to the UK, contact us at 020-341-737-00.

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