What Happens After You Report Sexual Assault?

According to findings by The New York Times, almost 128,000 cases of rape are reported a year in the UK. While rape cases continue to rise, prosecution numbers have fallen drastically over the years. In a time like this, it is of the utmost importance that cases of sexual assault are brought to attention so the victim can be safe.

Know what to expect after you report a case of sexual assault.

After you report sexual assault, police officers collect, evaluate, and process information and evidence that is provided to them.

What not to do:

To help the police, you or the victim must not bathe, change their clothes (wash or throw), cleanse your body, hands, or hair, take drugs or alcohol, and touch the area it occurred in. Everything is evidence, and by doing any of the above, you can unintentionally disrupt that.

Sexual Assault Kit

If you report the assault within seven days, you’ll be asked by SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) for a SARC medical exam. If you choose to go along with the exam, the nurse at SARC will go over your injuries and document them for forensic evidence.

Remember, the police can collect forensic touch evidence within the first three days of its occurrence. If you’ve been touched, get the evidence collected.

Ways of Reporting

There are various ways of reporting your assault. The trained officers and organisations support you, and your information can help them prevent any further cases by bringing the offender to justice.


You can securely report a case of rape or sexual assault through the police’s online portal. The reports here are reviewed by the staff all day long, and you’ll hear back within the first two days.

Call 101

If you’re more comfortable with calling, you can dial 101 and report what happened to an officer who will listen and guide you through the entire process.

Visit the nearest police station

You can also speak to an officer in person in a safe environment at any police station or the nearest police station that you can get to.


If you, or someone you know, have been victims of sexual assault and are looking for a criminal solicitor in Wembley, contact us now. We, at Wembley Solicitors, have an unmatched experience in providing support to individuals of sexual assault.

Get in touch with us today.

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