What is Family Law and What Does it Involve?

With the UK opting to leave the European Union (EU), a lot may change. Leaving the EU means that laws and regulations linked to the European Regulations—which Britain has followed for over 40 years—will no longer be applicable.

One of the biggest areas where citizens may face the most legal trouble could be in divorce and family law.

Because it is still unclear exactly how Brexit will affect family law, we may not have to worry about legal proceedings changing until the official leaving date is announced. Until then, we can follow the definition of family law as it is currently followed by the EU

What is Family Law?

Family Law is a branch of law that deals with everything related to families and relationships. Family solicitors offer people advice on financial matters during divorces. When any couple decides to separate, there are a number of things that need to be sorted out, from the custody of the children to the division of assets.

While a lot of people tend to reach civil decisions on their own through negotiations with their spouses, in many cases, this is not possible. This may be because of instances of domestic violence, or when the two opposing parties are unable to reach a decision without encountering conflict.

When couples are unable to reach decisions on their own, they often have to resort to seeking legal advice. This is where Family Law comes in.

What does Family Law Involve?

The conflicts that come under its jurisdiction involve:

Divorce and separation

Guide couples through the legal processes of divorce and separation, making sure both parties have a clean break with as little conflict as possible

Surrogacy and adoption

Family solicitors guide couples through the process of adoption and protect the rights of the adoptive parents, the surrogates as well as the original birth parents of the adopted child.

Child custody and visitation rights

Family lawyers meet with and advise divorcing couples on matters related to physical and legal custody of children, under UK Laws.

Child support payments

They also deal with cases where the legal provider of children is withholding child support payments.

Division of assets

After a divorce, one of the most pressing concerns for both parties and the reason for most conflict is the division of finances and all marital assets. Family law helps advise both parties on the best course of action and represents them in court should the case resort to a legal battle.

Domestic violence

In cases of domestic violence, family lawyers can issue restraining orders and non-molestation orders against the abusing party.

Child welfare

In serious cases, family law deals with cases where local councils need to intervene in families with reports of child abuse or neglect. The Family Court is specifically designed to protect the rights of these children, and eventually placing them in better hands.

Hire a Family Solicitor in Wembley

If you’re going through any of the above legal troubles and would like to hire a family solicitor, contact us at Wembley Solicitors for the most amicable resolution of your family problems.

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