What To Do When Your Ex Refuses to Pay Child Support

Even though the noncustodial parent is legally obligated to pay child support, there are many instances where they simply fail to comply with the law. This makes things taxing for the custodial parent as he or she has to deal with not only the emotional aspect of raising the kids, but the financial aspect as well.

If your bills are piling up and your ex refuses to pay child support alimony, here are a few things you can do:

Get a Plan B:

If you depend on child support to take care of the bills, and pay for your kids’ education, it’s better to be proactive. You need to acknowledge the fact that at any given point in your life, your ex can simply refuse to pay child support. Therefore, it’s extremely important for you to come up with a Plan B that can take of your basic needs for the time period in which you receive no child support.


Set up a savings fund and try to contribute to it every month, even if it’s just a few pounds. Treat these funds as your parachute as it will help soften the blow when your ex refuses to pay child support. Not only that but this savings account will also help you stay afloat. It has the potential of funding legal action (if needed).

Try Talking To Your Ex:

While we know that this may seem an impossible option for you to explore, there’s always the chance that they either forgot to pay child support or couldn’t afford to for a month. Give them the benefit of doubt and reach out.

We can understand that to some people this feels like that they’re grovelling before their ex’s but that simply isn’t the case. People with similar sentiments need to understand the fact that there’s no shame in asking for what’s RIGHTFULLY yours. So, be the bigger person, and try to have a conversation!

Pursue Legal Option:

If you experience radio silence from your ex and don’t receive the child support, you need to take the matter to court. Not only will the court most likely rule in your favour but might also impose some sanctions on your ex for delaying the payment. This can do wonders for your children in the long run as it will go a long time in not only paying for their school fees but might also put them through college.

If you’re looking for a legal team to represent you in the court of law, we can be of assistance to you. We have a dedicated team of solicitors who specialise in family law and can increase your chances of getting a significant financial settlement.

Not only that, but we also charge a nominal fee for our services so that you have nothing to worry about.

Don’t let the financial wellbeing and the future of your children hang in the balance. Contact us today and give them the foundation for a better life!

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