What Will Happen to My Pre-Settled Immigration Status if I Leave the UK During Coronavirus Emergency?

During these unprecedented times, several European citizens who are working in the United Kingdom are looking for ways to go back to their families in different EU countries.

Under recent regulations, EU citizens who wish to resume their work or residence in the United Kingdom must submit an application for Pre-Settled or Settled status to obtain the right to live in the UK. The ruling was issued in March last year (2019), and since then, over 3.4 million EU citizens have applied for their new UK immigration status.  

However, EU citizens are required to stay in the UK for a continuous period if they want to retain their pre-settled immigration status without leaving the country for more than a specified duration.

Because of this condition, many people are concerned about the validity of their pre-settled status, especially if they want to go to their countries to meet their loved ones during the coronavirus emergency.

How Can Europeans Apply for the UK Settlement Scheme?

EU citizens who started living in the UK before December 31st, 2020, can apply for the UK Settlement Scheme. One of the conditions is that the applicants must have spent a continuous period of 5 years living in the UK. In these five years, the applicant must have lived in the UK, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands for at least 6 out of 12 months of any given year.

While the application processing for the Settlement Scheme is taking more time than usual due to the pandemic, it is still valid until June 30th, 2021 – the deadline for application submission.

However, the UK Government has declared that if an eligible applicant has valid reasons for missing the application deadline, they will be offered an extension to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme.

What if I Don’t Complete the 5-Year UK Residence Period?

EU citizens who aren’t able to live in the UK for a 5-year continuous period will be entitled to obtain a pre-settled status. They can later apply for Settled Status once they’ve completed five years lawfully residing in the UK.

After completing the five years, the applicants must get their status converted from pre-settled to a full residence permit. If it isn’t converted, they won’t be lawfully allowed to live in the UK.

Are you concerned about what will happen to your pre-settled immigration status if you leave the UK to meet your family in another country during the pandemic? Connect with our immigration lawyers in London to discuss your situation in detail.

At Wembley Solicitors, we have the best immigration lawyers in London; they’ll walk you through the entire UK immigration process.

Get in touch with us to hire the top UK immigration lawyers today!


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